El alumnado de los ciclos formativos de la familia profesion...
Los alumnos Ángela García y Francisco Belmonte, del IES Alha...
We believe processes can cause significant transformations in companies and institutions. Issues such as cost reduction, time savings and customer experience become sources of these transformations, leading to a raise in the value of the business and its customers, focusing on increased efficiency and more profitable operations
Curso 23-24
Curso 23 – 24
El alumnado de los ciclos formativos de la familia profesion...
Los alumnos Ángela García y Francisco Belmonte, del IES Alha...
🌈 Culminamos nuestras charlas de sensibilización del Plan de Igualdad con un taller impartido por la fundación Triángulo. En este taller, exploramos c...
El pasado 27 de mayo, nuestro alumnado de 1° de Bachillerato recibió una valiosa charla sobre Violencia de Género y Salud. La enfermera de referencia ...
I like working at GLB because I get to sell the best software in the industry and I work with best / brightest / most fun team of people I’ve ever worked with.
We selected GLB because they understand operating requirements in the healthcare sector. They bring a winning combination of experience and commitment to excellence.
We has been working with GLB for 12 months and in that time they have demonstrated an unwavering desire and capability to deliver.